
To complete the Certificate in General Learning students need to complete six courses.
Four core courses plus two optional courses.

Courses can be completed at a learner’s own pace and students will be awarded accreditation for each course completed.

Communications (CORE)

The Communications course is designed to help students develop the skills needed in the areas of reading, writing and face to face communication in everyday life. By the end of the course, students will have a strong understanding of how to use spoken and written language effectively as they interact with the world around them.

The Communications course can also be completed through the themes of:

  • Music
  • Cars & Mechanics

The Cars & Mechanics theme combines Communications with the Personal & Interpersonal Skills course, allowing students to complete two courses at the same time.

Computer Literacy (CORE)

The Computer Literacy course provides an understanding of terminology associated with information and communication technology. The course covers how information technology affects everyday living and how it impacts work, life, socialisation and learning in today’s world.

Students will learn how computers operate, and develop practical IT skills.

Personal & Interpersonal Skills (CORE)

The Personal & Interpersonal Skills (PIPS) course provides students with the opportunity to explore a range of social issues, to reflect on different types of relationships and to gain an understanding of the personal and social factors that influence their own lives. The PIPS course encourages students to reflect on their own lives and attitudes, and teaches students how to interact positively with others, along with improving wellbeing, and coping skills in difficult situations.

The Personal & Interpersonal Skills course can also be completed through the theme of:

  • Cars & Mechanics

The Cars & Mechanics theme combines Personal & Interpersonal Skills with the Communications course, allowing students to complete two courses at the same time.

Maths (CORE)

The Maths course is designed to give students an understanding of topics including numbers, data handling, measurement and capacity, algebra and problem solving. The Maths course builds maths skills and enhances students’ confidence with maths and enables students to use maths in real life scenarios.

Additional resources are available to support numeracy.

Career Preparation (OPTIONAL)

The Career Preparation course is designed to help students gather information and make informed decisions about future work, training and educational opportunities. Students learn to assess their skills and abilities, and connect these skills to areas of work, training or careers which may interest them.

The course includes practical elements, such as CV writing, completing a letter of application for a job and taking part in a mock interview.

Challenging Discrimination (OPTIONAL)

The Challenging Discrimination course enables students to explore qualities, such as mutual respect, tolerance and acceptance. Students will learn about terms associated with discrimination, and the types of discrimination that exist. Students will identify ways in which discrimination can be challenged, and ways that respect, tolerance and acceptance can be promoted.

A research project will be completed on a group or an individual who the student feels is being discriminated against in society today, and examine how society could be more inclusive for this individual or group.

Digital Media (OPTIONAL)

The Digital Media course allows students to bring out their creative side through photography, music playlists and videos. Students will learn how to take a perfect photo, and how to create fun and engaging videos. Students learn about the rise of social networking, online safety in the world of social media, copyright law, digital communication and computer games.

Students need to complete a video project on a topic of choice.

Hairdressing (OPTIONAL)

The Hairdressing course is designed to help students learn about the world of hairdressing. Students will learn about hair care, salon work, salon equipment, best practice and salon health and safety. Students will learn important concepts for working in a salon. Students are required to complete practical work in a local hair salon, or create a salon-type setting at home.

Students must demonstrate skills through videos and photo evidence for the assessment portfolio.

Health & Fitness (OPTIONAL)

The Health & Fitness course is a practical course that gives an introduction to the world of health and fitness and teaches students how to keep healthy and active. Students will learn how to make a healthy balanced meal, review eating and physical activity habits, and discover what facilities and amenities are available in their local area.

Throughout the course, students will explore physical fitness and demonstrate exercises, recording these for their assessment portfolio.

Personal Effectiveness (OPTIONAL)

The Personal Effectiveness (PE) course helps students discover more about themselves and the personal qualities and skills they have. A student may discover they are a great listener, a really good leader or excellent at problem solving. The Personal Effectiveness course will help students reflect on their skills and learn new ones. Students will learn about different situations in which skills and qualities are used. The course involves a group project. A group can be made up of the student and a parent/sibling/friend or a group of peers or team members. Projects can include baking cakes, going on fishing trips, organising a football match or organising a coffee morning.

The Personal Effectiveness course can also be completed through the themes of:

  • Art
  • Animal Care
  • Health & Nutrition
  • Sports